About Karns Mechanical Services

We offer exceptional HVAC services and equipment in the Knoxville area at a great price!

(865) 661 0178

Who We Are

Karns Mechanical started as a small business in Karns, but since has extended its service area to Knoxville and beyond! Our service area has expanded to a 60 mile radius of Knoxville and surrounding areas.

Karns Mechanical will always treat our customers like family because of its family! Mike’s son, son-in law, and wife all work for the company! They are prideful in their work and want to bring the best product to the customer.

Karns Mechanical Services Company Logo

How We Got Started

Founder Mike Jenkins has been in the hvac industry for 30+years and in the year 2000, he decided it was time to branch out on his own. Living in the Karns community most of his adult life, he also knew that this was the perfect place to start a family business.

The company goal then and now are still the same, provide great service and quality work at an affordable price for our customers!

At Karns Mechanical Services, we are fully licensed, bonded and insured. We know things never break when it’s convenient for you so we make sure we’re always here to help.


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